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About The
Girls Game

Welcome to The Girls Game (TGG), a blog dedicated to all things sport and all things girls. We discuss the latest news, stories, and hot topics in women's sport. TGG aims to introduce readers to the ever evolving and exciting new era of women's sport. It offers a space for women's sport to shine, with the main goal of raising awareness and promoting interest in the game. Whether you are an avid sports fan or simply want a glimpse into the sporting world, TGG might just be the place for you.

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About ME

Hello! I'm Abi, a current student at Loughborough University, studying for my masters degree in Sport Marketing. During my studies I have been exposed to a breadth of sport-related conversations, broadening my knowledge whilst also identifying my own personal interests. Primarily my passion centres around womens sport and the continuous challenges female athletes face in such a male dominated field. As a fellow sports enthusiast I have always been aware of the prejudices women face in sport, but my studies have further highlighted these inequalities. Creating The Girls Game allows me to share and discuss my thoughts on various sporting topics, but more importantly contribute to the rising movement of women's sport.

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